
Compare Predictions

This menu is used for comparing secondary structure predictions of different tools. You should provide a query sequence and its secondary structure predictions obtained by different tools. You can choose between insert your data directly in the text boxes or upload a Quick2D file. If all fields are filled, only your uploaded file will be considered.

Data format for text boxes

If you choose to insert data in the text boxes, you need to follow the following input format for each text box:

In the query text box, insert your query, it should contain only letters (amino acids).

In the predictions text box, on each line insert the tool name followed by a tabulation followed by the secondary structure prediction, only three lettres are accepted (H) for alpha-helix, (E) for beta-sheet and (C) for coin or loop.

Inserting the real 2D-structure

You have the possibility of entering the 2D-structure for checking the accuracy of prediction tools. For that, you upload a DSSP file, and specify the chain, start and end amino acid positions. You obtain the DSSP file at DSSP web site by providing the PDB accession number.

Uploading file

The other option available is to upload a prediction file obtained from the Quick2D website found at

External Links

UPMC Laboratory of Computational and Quantitative Biology CNRS

Cite 2dSS

If you use 2dSS, please cite:.

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